
Impacting the World

December 1, 2014, IBT

"They put him on a truck with many bodies, and took him to dump into a river so that they could keep the number of deaths as low as possible."
~ Sanjay Verma

The Silent Killer 

December 5, 1984, The Atlantic

The most major part of this event was the number of deaths and illnesses formed. Not only did 2,259 die immediately, within the next 2 weeks up to 15,000 people died. If the exposed citizens didn’t die they probably had disabilities, deformations, blindness or respiratory issues. Still to this day these citizens are getting diagnosed with new disorders that have no cure. Even worse Bhopal’s hospitals were full and most people  who needed help could not access it.

After this leak occurred not only human carcasses were found lying in the streets, but animals such as buffalos, cows, and dogs were found too. This affected thousands of people such as farmers because without their livestock they could not make money. Others relied on their cows to produce food and milk so they could feed their family. Dogs and cats that died were very important to families and were considered family.

Date accessed December 26, 2019, India Today

Lasting Pollution

"Union Carbide lives on and waits for us to die​​​​​​​"
~ People of Bhopal, November 12, 2008

February 14, 2019, Independent

“Groundwater found near the site of the world's worst chemical industrial accident in Bhopal is still toxic and poisoning residents a quarter of a century after a gas leak there killed thousands, two studies have revealed.

Delhi's Centre for Science and the Environment said that water found two miles from the factory contained pesticides at levels 40 times higher than the Indian safety standard.” The, 2009

Another major problem created by this gas was thousands of spiecies of plants killed. This chemical has permanently poisoned things such as water and food that surround and live in the city of Bhopal. Tourism in Bhopal dropped over 10% after the disaster and still, today hasn’t increased much. Still today the closed down Union Carbide Plant sits their and rust.

Date accessed December 13, 2019, Scientific American